Mickiewicza 19, PolandPhone Number
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Zespół Szkół in Puchaczów is a place of 447 students and 64 teachers which educates children between 6-19 year old. As we live close to post-Soviet states (Ukrainian border approximately 49 km) but we hope to get closer to East as well. Lubelskie is the poorest region of Poland according to OECD. Ninety percent of our students’ parents are farmers or coal miners. Many youths from Puchaczów area count to get a blue collar job in a local BOGDANKA minery (2km) so the motivation to learn or to get a university degree is much lower herby school. The school consists of half thousand students but has got just two classrooms with interactive whiteboards and no tablets. Therefore the school hopes to get a financial support to buy modern teaching appliance for the project. In Powiat Łęczyński ethnic diversity is minimal that is why our students and their families count to get to know any other cultures during the project. The headmaster and two language teachers will be the three key people running the project. The project team will also consist teachers of given specialities: IT teacher as an expert in web design and in the field of modern computer programs. She will be responsible for the e-magazine design and posting project`s materials on the school website. Our art teacher is the author of many art exhibitions and won numerous art competitions. She will be responsible for exhibitions, graphic design of project results, development of a logo design. Ther language teachers (8 all together) will coordinate translation of all the project`s materials, organize language workshops and the whole language preparation for moblities. Polish teacher - speech therapist, alternative communication specialist, who has also prepared a number of winners of literary competitions at regional and national level. She will be mainly responsible for: preparation of competitions, articles to e-magazine, media editing publications, surveys and quizes. Zespol Szkol in Puchaczów is experienced in international and national projects. International projects we participated as follow: one Socrates- Comenius and Comenius projects (2003– 2004, 2004- 2007, 2013 – 2015) and e-Twinning projects.