Colegiul Tehnic "General Gheorghe Magheru"

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Lt. Col. Dumitru Petrescu Nr.3, Romania

Phone Number

+40 253 214716

"General Gheorghe Magheru" Technical College has a team of 38 teachers, the unit educates about 548 pupils aged between 15-19 and up, in high school and post-secondary education annually, in the following fields: Environmental Protection, Food Industry, Industrial Chemistry, Electronics, Informatics, including Teaching Classes intensively in English and French. Even if the high school is located in the urban area, due to the specializations offered by our unit, some of which are unique in Gorj county, about 50% of the students came from rural areas. In the project will be involved people with experience in the management of European projects, experienced in the realization of optional disciplines and modern teaching techniques, teacher coordinators of the theatre band. Depending on the responsibilities of the project team are considered the following requirements: good IT skills, knowledge of English lb, organizational skills, skills for teamwork, logical reasoning, intercultural competences, experinata European projects, financial knowledge. Prof. PhD. Buzera Marius, specialization Automation and Informatics - expert access to structured and cohesive European funds, with experience in coordinating 9 type projects (LdV, Comenius, Grundtvig, KA2), ARACIP Counselor, Expert Evaluation, Expert Educational Management, competent English language skills, Cisco Academy coordinator, ECDL Center, C ++ POO Center, author of IT and ICT books on ICT integration in teaching/ learning/ assessment -Prof. PhD. Verdes Maria Rocselana - teacher of English, experienced in 4 European-funded projects, Vertical weekly journalist, Ministry of National Education certified as youth worker, certified translator, author of specialized books, a Dictionary of English-Romanian legal terms, and studies on the development of new methods of English language assessment, collaborative university assistant at "Titu Maiorescu" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Social, Political and Humanistic Sciences. - Prof. Maria Cristian – teacher of English, exeperienced in 5 projects with European funding, responsible for Modern Languages Commision, expert evaluation, methodologist professor, authorized translator. - Prof. Măgureanu-Stoenescu Claudia-Simona - Mathematics specialization, experienced in 4 projects with European funding, methodist teacher, responsible scientific committee, scientists, author of books and specialty studies. - Prof. Luțaru Iulia Gyongy, specialization Informatics and Physics- expert in Didactic, with experience in coordinating 4 type projects Other people involved: - 3 specialist teachers of English - 3 IT specialists